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Annotated Course Transcript

My Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program consisted of 10 courses (30 credits), 6 of which contributed to my Graduate Certificates in Online Teaching and Learning and Educational Technology. You can find information about and descriptions of each below. 

CEP 810

Nicole Zumpano

Summer 2022

This was my very first course in my MAET program! In this course I created my first blog, was introduced to TPACK, cultivated a 21st century learning experience, investigated my professional network and the impacts this network has on learning, and reflected on challenges in EdTech. With the help of my peers and Nicole Zumpano, I expanded my professional network, critically looked at where my learning community falls short, and reflected on my mindsets for learning. This course helped build a strong foundation for the remainder of my program.

CEP 811

Edie Erickson

Summer 2022

In this interactive course, I used a critical eye to look at the impacts of media consumption as well as innovative learning experiences. This course allowed me the space to question some of the more commonplace aspects of learning communities - both ones that I participate in and facilitate. This course supported me in furthering my critical thinking skills, especially in spaces that it isn't always allowed. This course pushed my creative and analytical thinking skills.

CEP 812

Katie Baleja

Fall 2022

This course facilitated learning about how EdTech could assist in large and common issues within my professional role. I was able to use my knowledge from previous courses to identify, dissect, investigate, and work to resolve ongoing problems in the workplace. Katie Baleja and my colleagues provided support and feedback on my approaches to identifying and solving (or working to solve) somewhat unsolvable issues. This course left me with tools to accept challenges head-on. 

CEP 822

Dr. Megan Garza

Fall 2022

This research-based course covered quantitative, qualitative, and action research. I focused on critically reviewing how I was consuming research and what type of research I was most commonly viewing. I worked to view research from a different point of view and find publishings by minoritized groups. Additionally, this course covered citation laws, rules, and best practices.

CEP 800

Kyle Shack

Spring 2023

In this course I dove into the psychology of learning, investigated popular theories of learning, and even created my own theory of learning. With the assistance of Kyle Shack, I was also able to explore the power of habits and implement my own habit tracker. This course developed my knowledge of how students learn, and allowed me to form my own informed opinions on what makes an impactful learning experience. I took the opportunity to also focus on adult learning in this course.

CEP 805

Brittany Dillman

Spring 2023

This course was structured around learning the content, technology, and pedagogy of five mathematics concepts. I was able to create professional development trainings for each of these five concepts, and tied these training sessions to both theoretical and my actual professional audience. This course assisted in the growth of my learning and development skills, as I both created and lead informed training sessions. You can read more about my experience in this course here

CEP 817

Anne Heintz

Spring 2023

In this course I worked through the five stages of design: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. I identified a need for re-design in my workplace and used the length of the course to dive into each stage of the process, to end with a fully executed re-design. This course taught my the importance of full focus on each stage of the process, and how much can change from one stage to the next. I have utilized the design thinking process in my daily life since course completion. 

CEP 813

Brittany Dillman

Summer 2023

This assessment course took a flexible and open approach to teaching about assessment in learning spaces. Brittany Dillman guided my peers and I in learning how assessment poses potential harms to students if not implemented correctly. This assessment course tested my deep-rooted feelings about standard and non-standard assessments. I used my knowledge from this course to create and re-create assessments using various techniques and styles catered to student needs. 

CEP 820

Anne Heintz

Summer 2023

This course with Anne Heintz took various looks at teaching and learning online. This course dove into UDL guidelines, meeting learners where they are, different modes of online instruction, and online teaching and learning best practices. This was all great knowledge building to culminate in how to humanize online instruction. I used my knowledge from this course to create a humanizing tool for online instruction, and was even able to implement some of this knowledge to my professional team immediately. 

CEP 807

Matthew Koehler

Fall 2023

In this course I summarized my MAET learning and created this website. With the assistance of Matthew Koehler, I expanded on, categorized, and finalized all of my course content and creations. At the completion of the capstone course I left with all of my program contents in one place and a professional website to distribute to future employers. You are viewing that website now!

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